Introducing Athena

We are excited to introduce Athena as a secondary logo to complement our existing visual identity and promote unity and inclusion. In Greek Mythology, Athena represented wisdom, courage, strategy and discipline - values we strive to embody as Sprague Olympians. Athena was chosen to challenge us to look beyond the labels that divide us and instead focus on the label that unites us: We are Olympians. We are Athena.

The students who participated in the launch video were asked to share a label that they feel has been applied to them by others or themselves. The labels they wrote down reflect their personal experiences which are also shared by many of their peers.

From our

Sprague staff and students are committed to creating a culture of inclusion where all students feel seen, valued and supported. The students in this video were asked to share their personal experiences. These are their words.
Scroll down to watch the video

Seeing our Sprague community.

The labels shared by the students in the video reflect their personal experiences which are shared by many of their peers.


Most labels divide.
At Sprague High School, we do not believe in labeling students. We are committed to loving all people, recognizing their individuality while inviting them to be a part of shared pursuit of victory in academic, athletic and career pursuits.


Athena is not about conformity.
We are not pushing our differences away in the name of uniformity, we are embracing our differences in the name of unity. The Athena logo represents our desire to build a culture of inclusion where all students and staff members feel seen and loved for who they are.


Athena represents family.
Athena, like each element of Sprague's visual identity, represents common goals and a shared commitment to seeing and loving people.

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From our

Sprague's faculty and staff are committed to meeting the diverse needs of all members of our community, seeing and valuing the ideals, hopes, and dreams of our students, while maximizing access to all social and school opportunities, and creating a culture and community that enables individual students to find academic and personal success.
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